(16000 inhabitants, 970 masl) It is known by the name of the city of waterfalls and birds. It is located at the convergence of three Zamora, Bombuscaro and Jamboé rivers, which makes it a city with great vitality, flora and fauna. Surrounded by jungle, Zamora coexists Saraguro communities from the mountains and the Shuar communities that inhabit the Amazon, attracted by the wealth of mines in the sector. A large clock shows the time and can be seen from almost anywhere in the city.
Zamora is a quiet and relaxing city, it has a boardwalk on the Zamora river and beautiful waterfalls and walks around the city. A sunny day is perfect for swimming in the Bombuscaro River. In the surroundings of Zamora there are beautiful waterfalls and walks. Yamila's walk on the Yaguarzongo district offers an excellent total view of the city. It is also near the Podocarpus National Park with a taxi ($ 5, 10 min).
Gastronomically you can taste frog legs and fish dishes called river catfish. Chicha is an alcoholic drink characteristic of the aborigines that comes from the fermentation of chonta or yucca.
From Loja $ 2.40, 2 hours (3am - 11pm)
From Gualaquiza $ 3.5, 4 hours (five daily schedules)
Towards Guayzimi $ 2.25, 3 hours (a morning schedule)
To go to Cuenca (8 hours), Guayaquil (10 hours) or Quito (16 hours) you must first go to Loja.