Yahuarcocha lagoon


                                                It is one of the main tourist attractions of Ecuador, located 3 km from the city of Ibarra, at a height of 2190 meters above sea level. Yahuarcocha has a historical importance due to the studies carried out by some researchers, who state that there is a wide and not yet explored archaeological evidence, reason why the National Institute of Cultural Heritage declared Yahuarcocha as the third sacred lake in the country.

According to a legend, the Laguna de Yahuarcocha or "Lake of Blood" owes its name to the fact that on its shores the last resistance battle of the Caranquis against the Incas took place. It is said that after winning the battle, the Incas put all the survivors to the knife and threw their bodies into the lake, dying blood.

5 kilómetros de Ibarra.
                                                                De Lunes a Domingo 07:00 a 20:00

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