Tulcan, border city Ecuador-Colombia


                                                (55000 inhabitants, 2980 MLS)

It is the highest city in Ecuador located at the north end just 8km from Rumichaca (border between Ecuador and Colombia). It is a city with great commerce and it is characterized by the intense cold that it does in most of the year. In terms of travel it is more expensive than Ipiales (Colombia) but safer and quieter.

The main attraction is the cypress sculptures cemetery that is a heritage of the nation. There are more than 300 sculptures carved in cypress trees that represent the flora and fauna of Ecuador and sculptures of ancient civilizations. Other attractions are Tulcan cathedral, churches, Ayora Park and Independence Park.

From Tulcan you can visit the Lajas church on the border with Colombia. Another point to visit is EL ANGEL Ecological Reserve  with the "frailejones" trees, Green lagoons around Tufiño and the Chiles volcano.


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