Sacred valley Cotundo Ecuador


                                                In the San Agustín neighborhood, in the city of Archidona, there is an immense stone with lots of strange figures that forms part of an important archaeological area of ​​the Ecuadorian Amazon, also known as the Sacred Valley of Cotundo. There are a lot of petroglyphs (also known as rock art, they are the figures carved in stone that usually represent geometric, anthropomorphic, zoomorphic or abstract images) that are there. There are also other archaeological remains of cultures dating back as far as 10,000 years before Christ. The primitive inhabitants of this sector of the Amazon sculpted glyphs in dozens of volcanic stones, which contain different drawings, lines, spirals and geometric figures in motion, leaving for posterity its beautiful rock art. One of the hypotheses suggests that they could be inspired by the yagé or ayahuasca, psychotropic that is used until today by the shamans or yachakunas of the zone.




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