(180000 inhabitants, 2754 meters above sea level)
It is known as the Sultana de los Andes, it is part of the Ruta de los Volcanes and it was the city where the first Ecuadorian constitution was signed. The Puruhá culture lived in its surroundings for hundreds of years and nowadays several neighboring indigenous communities have a great presence in the city, especially in the colorful Saturday fair.
Its name means Rio - Valle which gives a great idea of the topography of the region, mostly known by the city closest to the Chimborazo volcano and the exit point to the "Nariz del Diablo".
Its main bus station is two kilometers northwest of the city center, and serves the cities of the Sierra and the coast
Main Terminal:
From Quito (Terminal Quitumbe) $ 3.75, 3 hours.
From Guayaquil $ 4.75, 4 hours and a half.
From Ambato $ 1, 1 hour and a quarter.
From Cuenca $ 6, 6 hours.
From Machala $ 6.5, 7 hours.
From Guaranda $ 2, 2 hours.
From Alausí $ 2, 2 hours.
Eastern Terminal:
From Baños $ 1.5, 1 hour.
From Coca $ 10, 8 hours.
From Puyo $ 6, 4 hours
From Macas $ 5, 4 and a half hours.
The urban buses cost 0.25 and connect the center with the surrounding neighborhoods. A mostly flat city easy to navigate on foot.
A taxi costs $ 1.5 to almost any part of the city.