Pumapungo museum Cuenca


                                                Pumapungo or "Puerta del Puma" is a tangible testimony of the Cañari Inca culture that allows to understand its sociopolitical organization during the advance of the Inca state by the current Ecuadorian territory. The museum houses the largest collection of ethnographic objects that are testimony of a multiethnic and multicultural country, it is reflected in everyday and festive attires, scale dwellings and representative objects that account for the life forms, beliefs, rites and symbols of our peoples. There is also a room of iconography of the eighteenth century Baroque art, landscape and costumbrismo of the XIX and modern painting of the first half of the twentieth century. The complex has a ethnobotanical park and a bird center that hosts species liberated from captivity.

Calle Larga y Huayna Cápac s/n, San Blas
                                                                Martes a Viernes 08:30 -16h30  y Sábado, Domingo y Feriados 10:00-16:00.
Rate USD $
Price from: 2
Price to: 4

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