Posorja city Ecuador


                                                Posorja is one of the five rural parishes of the Guayaquil Canton. It is limited by the parish of El Morro, in the north; The Gulf of Guayaquil, to the south; The Canal del Morro, to the east and the canton General Villamil (beaches), to the west.

According to the Encyclopaedia of Ecuador of the historian Efrén Aviles Pino, in relation to its name there are several versions, stop the most accepted by the inhabitants and reported by Gabriel Pino Roca in its "Legends, traditions and pages of the history of Guayaquil"; It is the one that is derived from an Aboriginal princess who led a tribe that settled in that area, named Posorja, which in native language meant "sea foam". Another tradition holds that its name originates in times of the colony, when at the site-located at the entrance of the canal and known then with the name of Punta de Arena-there was a hamlet whose hardened inhabitants, led by a patriarch named Posorja, fought the assaults that pirates of the Gulf tried to commit against the ships leaving Guayaquil.

Posorja, located in the canal El Morro in front of the island Puná in the Gulf of Guayaquil, is one of the main fishing ports of the province of Guayas.
This rural parish that originally was a spa in Guayaquil and where its population was mainly dedicated to fishing, is currently a tourist destination, whose main attraction are the boat rides to the islet Los Farrallones (30 minutes away from the open sea). The place is worthy of being known, because of the rich fauna it possesses. There, you can see a lot of birds like herons,, frigates, pelicans etc. In turn you can see dolphins "bottle nose", which with its splendor accompany your trip to this wonderful island.

Vía Guayaquil- General Villamil Playas (E-40). Playas-Posorja. Está ubicada a 21 kilómetros de General Villamil Playas

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