Pichincha Province Ecuador


                                                The Province of Pichincha is one of the 24 provinces that make up the Republic of Ecuador, located in the north of the country, in the geographical zone known as the inter-Andean region or sierra, mainly on the basin of Guayllabamba in the east and subandine ramifications in the north-west. Its administrative capital is the city of Quito, which is also its most populated city and the capital of the country. It is also the main commercial center of the country. It occupies a territory of about 9,612 km ², being the eleventh province of the country by extension. It limits the north with Imbabura, the south with Cotopaxi, the west with Santo Domingo of the Tsáchilas, the north-west with Esmeraldas and the east with Napo.

The climate is variable due to the height, from the tropical to the glacial, due to the presence of the Andes mountain range and the presence of the Chocó biogeographic to the north-west, the province is climatologically fragmented in several sectors. In addition, because of its tropical location, each climate zone has only two defined seasons: wet and dry. In the north-west the temperature ranges between 25 ° C and 15 ° C, whereas in the Andean zone, this is usually between 10 ° C and -3 ° C.

It consists of 8 Cantones: Cayambe, Mejía, Pedro Moncayo, Pedro Vicente Maldonado, Puerto Quito
Metropolitan District of Quito, Rumiñahui, San Miguel de Los Banks.

A wide variety of attractions such as the Half City of the World, El Quinche Sanctuary, Las Tolas de Cochasquí and the Caldera del Pululahua, are located in places close to the Ecuadorian capital. While in the snow and volcanoes that surround Quito, andinismo is practiced. There are thermal and mineral sources in: Machachi, San Antonio, Alangasí, Cunuyacu, among others. Important cultural manifestations are given mainly in Cayambe, Tabacundo, Sangolquí and Quinche.





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