Pastaza province - Ecuador
The Province of Pastaza is one of the 24 provinces that make up the Republic of Ecuador, located in the northeast of the country, in the geographical area known as the Amazon region. Its administrative capital is the city of Puyo, which is also its largest and most populated city. It occupies a territory of about 29,520 km ², being the largest province of the country by extension. It limits the north with Napo and Orellana, the west with Tungurahua, the south with Morona Santiago and the east with the department of Loreto pertaining to Peru.
It is one of the most important administrative, economic, financial and commercial centers of the Amazon. Its economy is based on trade, tourism, livestock and agriculture. The largest extractive industries of the province are made up of logging and agriculture (fish farming, poultry farming, etc.); The provision of services as civil servants, public servants, small industry and manufacturing remain important.
The jungles of Pastazenses are home to 7 indigenous nationalities of the Amazonian Region of Ecuador: the Amazonian Quichua, the Andoas, the Záparas, the Huoranis, the Achuar, the Shiwiar and the Shuar.
-SAMANA, Tourist Guide for Travelers. Editorial Ecuatoriana. Quito, February 2010.