Park and natural forest Jerusalem - Ecuador


                                                National and foreign tourists, can take a family outing or among friends in the recreational park Jerusalem, the only protected Andean dry forest, located in parallel 0, 28 kilometers from Quito, which the government of Pichincha makes available to national and foreign tourists.

There you can breathe fresh air, get to know exotic places and find nature that has not been touched by man.

It was precisely in 1989 that the Ministry of Agriculture declared it "forest and protective vegetation" for the conservation of flora and fauna.

The park is between 2 000 and 2 500 meters above sea level and its average temperature is 17 ºc. There have been registered 34 animal species and 16 families of birds, among which are birds of prey such as the peregrine falcon and the Quilico.

This place where you can enjoy nature in its fullness, remains intact the flora and fauna endemic to the sector.

                                                                Lunes a Viernes 08h00- 16h30 / Sábado Domingo y feriados: 08h00 a16h30
Rate USD $
Price from: 0.5
Price to: 1

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