Pambamarca archaeological site Cayambe - Ecuador


                                                In the limits of the province of Pichincha there are areas containing Pucaras: Pambamarca, Guayllabamba and Rumicucho in San Antonio de Pichincha. The term Pucara is a word of the classical Quechua language that means fortress, fortification, defensive construction, although some researchers understand the term as "fortified site".

To arrive here is to return and to tread a natural scenario that for centuries has remained unalterable until its discovery. This monumental complex of great magnitude is located at a height of 3782 (Quito Loma) and 4075 MASL (Pambamarca).

The Pucaracunas were the supervisors of the construction and maintenance that in turn remained subordinate to the Inca state, under the orders of the imperial administration again. The differences in constructive type, they agreed rather with factors related to topography, constructive materials and strategic importance.

Sureste de Cangahua a 4 Km, Cayambe.

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