Pamapungo museum


                                                Considered the most important museum in Cuenca, the Pumapungo Museum deserves the merits of a visit to the labyrinthine ethnographic exhibition. A whole floor of colorful animated diagrams shows the traditional costumes of many cultures of Ecuador, including the Afro Ecuadorians of the province of Esmeraldas, the Montubios-cowboys as of the western lowlands, various groups of the jungle and of the main groups of the altiplano .

The Pumapungo Museum and Ancestral Park - Ministry of Culture of Ecuador are part of the heritage that makes Cuenca a city full of interesting artistic and cultural proposals, testimony to the constant evolution of the city and its people over time. It is everyone's duty to value and respect it, so when visiting these spaces it is important to treat it with care in order to preserve it and that we can all enjoy what it has to offer.

Se encuentran en la Calle Larga y Huayna Capac Esquina
                                                                De martes a viernes en horarios de 08:00 a 17:30, mientras que los sábados y domingos se podrá acceder al Museo Pumapungo de 10:00 a 16:00.
Rate USD $
Price from: 1
Price to: 5

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