The archaeological complex includes numerous constructions of house, temples, squares, altars, as well as paved roads and dozens of bases of houses and tombs. According to references, this archaeological complex was built by Cañaris and Incas between the years 1,460 BC and 1,532 A.D.
Pachamama, which in the word Quichua means "Mother Earth", rises on a small mountain range of volcanic origin in the form of a U, extending from the Caserío La Raya in the parish Santa Rosa, to the eastern slopes in the sector of rest.
The topography of this terrain is usually flat at the top, with steep slopes on the flanks, which descend towards the bottom of the valleys, forming undulations and terraces with sedimentary soils of sandstone and decaying clay. Soils are usually gray, very poor in organic matter and nutrient elements.
By car 30 kilometers from the city of Azogues, in the parish solano of the Canton Déleg.