Muerte Pungo lagoon


It is located in the eastern mountain range, three hours from Quito. The lagoon is the result of one of the last eruptions of the Antisana volcano.
The lagoon is within the buffer zone of the Antisana Reserve, so hunting is prohibited. During the trip to the lagoon you can see rabbits, wolves and several birds like chilies and even condors.
Within the Antisana Reserve there are paramo wolves, spectacled bears and more mamifeors and birds. The Andean landscapes in this area are spectacular, from the highest part of the road (4000msnm) it is very easy to see the volcanoes Pasochoa, Rumiñawui, Sincholawua, Atacazo, and Pichincha.
To get to this destination you must take the road to Pintag and get to the central park, where you can buy food. From there, it is perfectly indicated, there is a detour that leads to the Laguna de Muertepungo, where before you had to pay to enter, today nothing should be canceled.
In the town, almost everyone knows where Muertepungo is, they will also inform you that it is a private property to enter and that it is necessary to ask for authorization from the owners of the Association 'Muertepungueros'.
The place is special, despite the cold and haze. The flora of the páramo, the chusque, the chilco, the frailejón, the chuquirahua and the reed abounds, as well as rabbits and salamanders. A gigantic condor flies overhead.

                                                                Lunes a Domingo a partir de las 8am

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