The Mamey Ecological Park is an alternative for the family of Portoviejo and tourists in general, since visiting the park, will be constituted in a recuentro with the past, with the history, with itself and with the future.
It is a traditional place that historically served as a way of fluvial communication between the field or interior of the southern part of the province and the capital the Portoviejo River, vivid testimony in which the greatest exponents of the word of this region have been inspired as: poets, singers, writers and preclear men of the literature Manabita.
The activities carried out in the functional part of the park are multiple, most of the sporting character, among them we have infantile competitions, championships of football and Indorfútbol, Bicicrós, folkloric dance, astronomical samples, family competitions, picnic, days of field, contemplation of the river, meeting of Lovers, among others. Thanks to the excellent lighting and the permanent guardianship you can make rides or night sports.
Currently many groups of volunteers from the Red Cross, civil defense, young hikers, schoolchildren and teenagers camp frequently and organize, in spaces where they are trained in various disciplines associated with rescue and first aid, when the night falls the place becomes propitious to tell the traditional legends and tales of Elves and appearances Manabitas.
In private vehicle or public transport until the streets 26 of September and Francisco Pacheco, is located on the left bank of the Portoviejo River and has as main accesses the Bridges Mamey and San Jose, to five minutes of the city. Just 1 block from the city's ground terminal.