Latin America square Guayaquil


                                                Its name is due to a resolution of the cantonal Council because in July of 2002, it was the seat of the second meeting of South American Presidents. There you will find the Crystal Palace, the Plaza de las Banderas, the traditional San Jose Church and the handicrafts market. In the Plaza de las Banderas, the banners of the 24 provinces of the country are erected with a major rod in the center with the Tricolor patriotic symbolizing the union of all Ecuadorians. The square has places for rest and in its surroundings, it has two busts with illustrious American characters like the Mexican Benito Juarez García, several times president of his country, and the Chilean military Bernardo or ́Higgins Riquelme, liberator of Chile.

The handicraft market has 24 premises that offer at reasonable prices, various samples of national folklore worked manually by Ecuadorian artisans in materials such as cloth, leather, ceramics, wood, stone, tagua and shawl. There you will find; Clothing, hats, jewellery, decorations, souvenirs, musical instruments and the famous Toquilla straw hats.

Malecón Simón Bolívar a la altura de la calle Cuenca.

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