Inka trail from Achupallas to Ingapirca

                                                The Inca Trail is an extensive network of roads from the Inca and pre-Inca times that connect Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador with Cusco in Peru. The road Real or Capac Ñam fuel the main artery of these roads and connected the city of Quito (Ecuador), Cuzco (Peru) and Tucumán (Argentina) (5200Km). From this road the most popular route in Ecuador is the route between Achapullas - Ingapirca 40Km, 3 days walking 8 hours a day.
The starting point is Achapullas 30Km, 40 minutes from Alausi. On the first day of the trek, it takes us on the way up through several small indigenous towns towards the páramo of the Ecuadorian Sierra. It goes through rivers and landscapes only reserved for adventurous walkers. In addition, the walk allows you to meet the local people, their way of life and their customs. Finally camping in the lake of the Three Crosses.
The second day climbs up to Tres Cruces Blade and then reaches Quillo Loma, the highest point of the route (4 200 masl). From here you can see the valley of Culebrillas, the Espindola stream, the route of the Inca Trail, lakes and mountains. After half a day of walking, you will arrive at the Culebrillas lagoon where you will camp. Near the lagoon are the Inca ruins of Paredones, which consist of a complex of buildings that, it is believed, had an administrative function and tambo (lodging).
The third and last day of walking is reached the archaeological site of Ingapirca. This is the largest Inca complex that is conserved in Ecuador. Follow the royal road crossing rivers, swamps and indigenous villages with spectacular scenery at all times.
A local guide in Achapullas can charge from $ 30 a day, you can also organize tours from Alausí (El Ingañán (098-507-5012) managed by the friendly and restrained Isaura Inés Zea, she can coordinate guides and mules for the trip), Quito, Riobamba. These packages range from $ 300 to specialized, bilingual guides.
It is important to be well prepared and try the dry months from July to December. It is recommended to travel with a small suitcase with cold clothes, windbreaker, gloves, scarf, stick, flashlight, boots, tents, lightweight sleeping bags. You can access topological maps 1: 50000 of Alausí, Juncal and Cañar in the Military Geophysical Institute in Quito


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