Imbabura valcano
(4600 masl, free)
The Imbabura (Impapura or Tayta Impapura in Quechua) is a volcano that is located in the province of the same name in Ecuador; with an approximate height of 4,600 meters above sea level.
To the north of the volcano and in its skirts, is the city of Ibarra; and to the south, San Pablo Lake, very close to the city of Otavalo. In Ecuador, it is known as Taita ('dad' in Quichua) Imbabura. In the indigenous culture, the Taita Imbabura is the husband of Mama Cotacachi, and the couple has children like the Yana Urku (black mountain), Piñan etc.
The flora and fauna of the forests that surround this ancient elevation enjoy a wide diversity, allowing you to discover a little more about the natural variety of the area. Up to 3,000 m.s., the territory is basically agricultural, its main products are corn, dried beans, sugar cane and cabuya. In the low areas, the vegetation is of herbaceous steppes and in the highlands there are natural meadows.
From ancient times to the present, it is common to hear among the inhabitants myths and legends that speak about this protective god, to whom many have entrusted favors, have feared their fury and have even asked for advice.
To ascend the Imbabura hill, it is advisable to hire a guide
- Está ubicado a 8 km. (4,97 millas) al este de Otavalo y a 10 km. (6,21 millas) de Ibarra, constituye un excelente mirador de los volcanes de la sierra Norte.