Ilalo Volcano near Quito Ecuador


                                                (3188 metros, 2-4 horas, desnivel 600 metros)
The Ilaló is an inactive and highly eroded volcano, located in the basin of the Río San Pedro, a tributary of the Guayllabamba River, in the canton of Quito in the province of Pichincha in northern Ecuador. Its volcanic activity is manifested through numerous thermal sources whose outcrops have facilitated the installation of hydrotherapy and recreation centers in its surroundings, such as the traditional spas of El Tingo, La Merced, Ilaló, Cununyacu and many private pools, including family. In the foothills of this volcano are the parishes La Merced and Alangasí in the valley of the Chillos, nowadays the populations are increasingly inhabited because of the beauty and climate of this place. On the back side of the volcano are also different parishes of the Metropolitan District of Quito in the sector of the valley of Tumbaco.


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