Ferris wheel Guayaquil


                                                With 57 meters high, it is the first giant wheel of Ecuador and the highest in South America. Enjoy a new view of the city and the surrounding landscapes within a complex with all the comforts.

It is located on the Malecon 2000, a renovated space in the center of the city, on the banks of the Guayas River and near the Cerro Santa Ana, one of the most iconic and emblematic sectors of the city.

The Pearl Guayaquil is open every day of the week. Climb day and night, a unique and incomparable experience.

Malecón Simón Bolívar y Loja
                                                                Domingos a jueves:10:00 – 22:00, Viernes y sábados: 10:00 – 24:00
Rate USD $
Price from: 3.5
Price to: 10

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