El Altar volcano


Altar Volcano is an extinct volcano located in Los Andes mountains Ecuador’s center, around 20Km east from Riobamba city.  It is in “Sangay” National Park. A mega eruption in the past destroyed the conic shape resulting in a series of peaks with a lagoon in the center. These peaks are similar to the ALTAR of Christian Colonial Churches where they took the name.

Its basalt composition generated some colored lagoons around the peaks. The most beautiful and bigger is the one formed in the crater. This lagoon provides a low water flow that generates a river downstream. The best time to go is from November to March that is the dry season in the region.

It is necessary rainy boots, waterproof clothes and four-season camping,. Enough food and water for the days you choose. Many groups rent a horse in order to take all the cargo to the valley. Also temperature can drop dramatically so be prepare. There is not wood to make fire and weather can change suddenly.

You can hike to the bottom of the peaks to the lagoon-crater and the lagoons that are around there. Before the peaks there is a valley called “Collanes” which is the point that you need to reach to climb to the lagoon. In order to reach this valley you need to walk through a private ranch (“Releche” ranch) around 7 hours by mud. Once you reach the valley, there is a small refuge with basic sleep, a kitchen and water. (Reservation in advance is needed). Otherwise, you can camp next to the refuge or continue around 2 hours more to reach the lagoon-crater at the bottom of the peaks where you also can camp next to the lagoon. You need to start very eary in the morning so it is preferable to sleep in the Releche ranch. Picture this, a crater-lagoon and the snow peaks at the back. This is an impressive and amazing view you wont forget.

You can also reach the bottom of the peaks by other directions arriving to the back of the peaks. There you can find other lagoons formed like “Amarilla”, “Quindecocha”, “Estrellada”, “Verde”, “Azul”, “Mandur”, “Pintada”. All these lagoons have amazing colors produced by the minerals of the peaks.

To climb to the peak tops you need a high level. Probably this is the hardest peak in Ecuador.  There are several ways to reach the peaks and a professional guide is a must. You would need at least 3-5 days. A guide from Quito or Riobamba is around $300.

Rate USD $
Price from: 2
Price to: 300

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