Cotopaxi province Ecuador
The province of Cotopaxi is one of the 24 provinces that make up the Republic of Ecuador, located in the center of the country, in the geographical area known as the Andean region or Sierra, mainly on the Hoya de Patate in the east and on the external flanks of the Western Cordillera in the west. Its administrative capital is the city of Latacunga, which is also its largest and most populated metropolis. It occupies a territory of about 6,569 km², being the tenth seventh province of the country by extension. It limits to the north with Pichincha, to the south with Tungurahua and Bolivar, by the Occident with the rivers and to the Orient with Napo.
It is one of the most important administrative, economic, financial and commercial centers of the center of Ecuador. The development of the industry in the province, in general, was based on the manual skills of its inhabitants. The main activities of the province are trade, livestock, industry and agriculture.
Latacunga is the capital of the province of Cotopaxi and cantonal headwaters of the homonym Cantón. It is located in the central highlands of the country, in the foothills of the Cordillera de los Andes in Ecuador, near the Cotopaxi volcano in La Hoya de patate. It is located at 2750 meters above sea level and has an average temperature of 12 degrees Celsius.
The city of Latacunga offers multiple tourist destinations of various kinds (nature, culture, gastronomy, history, etc.), within the city and in its surroundings.