Condor park - Otavalo


                                                Parque Condor is located in a strategic point of the city of Otavalo, has a beautiful panoramic view towards the four cardinal points.

It is a rescue center with more than 30 different species of birds of prey, among the important ones stand out the condor of the Andes, the Aguila Arpía and owls. None of the birds that come to the park have been taken directly from nature, are rescued from inadequate environments donated or arrive through the Ministry of the Environment.

The trained bird flight show is one of the main attractions of the park, with restaurant and cafeteria on weekends and holidays.

Esta situado a 5 minutos Cerca de Otavalo, en la loma Pucará de Curyloma, a 2 800 msnm
                                                                Miércoles a Domingo y Feriados 9:30 - 17:00, Exhibicion de Vuelo: 11:30 y 15:30 (dependiendo del clima)
Rate USD $
Price from: 2
Price to: 2.5

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