In Quichua means "Nido del Condor". The journey has beautiful and picturesque scenery. The highest part offers a spectacular panorama of elevations that are part of the tourist route known as the Avenue of the volcanoes. are volcanos such as Pichincha, Ilaló, Cotopaxi, Sincholagua, Rumiñahui, Pasochoa, Antisana, Cayambe, Ilinizas, Atacazo, Heart, widow, Quilindaña.
The current municipal administration, with the purpose of providing comfort and security to tourists and visitors, has endowed this path with bridges devised in such a way that it does not break the natural environment. The directional and informative signage located in strategic sites allows to situate perfectly in the place.
We can enjoy a series of waterfalls of various shapes and altitudes. The lush vegetation of the place, with forests of Alders, Pumamaquis, Arrayanes, Achupallas, Suro, Cedrillo, orchids will leave you amazed. Species of mammals, birds and amphibians typical of the Andean region accompany during the journey. The crystalline waters of the river allow us to glimpse trout in a natural state.
The imposing and capricious forms of rock of the quilling invite to the reflection, leaving absorbed to the visitor. The tourist can rest placidly in the areas destined for camping, in the midst of the murmur of the clear waters of the river Pita and the cooing trinar of the birds of the place.
At 17 km from the city of Sangolquí, the route to this natural sanctuary begins at the site called La Caldera, of the concrete bridge of the place upstream, the estimated time of the route is of 3 hours, between return.