Colta is a canton of the province of Chimborazo in Ecuador. It is located at an average altitude of 3,212 masl. Villa La Unión (Cajabamba) is considered one of the highest cities in the country. The average temperature is 12 ° C. Its proximity to the city of Riobamba is only 18 km away, making it an important tourist city.
In a green and humid valley lived an Aboriginal city called Liribamba and who succumbed in ashes, when Rumiñahui turned it on so that the Iberian conquistadors did not find anything of the grandeur of this land. On that heap of smoky rubble The Marshal Don Diego de Almagro founded on August 15, 1534, the first Spanish city in the kingdom of the Shyri-Duchicela with the traditional name of the city of Santiago de Quito.
On that remarkable plot of land were remnants of the first city that its founders called it Villa de Riobamba, until it was elevated to the category of regiment with the name of Villa de Villar Don Pardo, thanks to Martín de Aranda and Valdivia, precursor of the future city to which was granted the title of very noble and loyal city of San Pedro de Riobamba.
The Church of Balbanera, founded in 1534, was the first Constrída Catholic Church in Ecuadorian soil. Other important churches in the area are the Basilica of Our Lady of the Snows in which are the chapels of Santo Cristo and the church of San Lorenzo de Cicalpa.
The Colta Lagoon also called Kultakucha in Quichua language, where you can observe flora and fauna typical of the area. Currently the recovery project is running and in the coming months will be in operation with complete infrastructure for the service of the tourists, both national and foreign
18 km from the city of Riobamba on the Pan-American Highway.