Chimborazo province Ecuador


                                                The province of Chimborazo is one of the 24 provinces that make up the Republic of Ecuador, located to the South center of the country, in the geographical area known as Andean region or Sierra, mainly on the Hoya de Chambo in the northeast and the Hoyas of Chimbo and Chan in the southwest. Its administrative capital is the city of Riobamba, which is also its largest and most populated metropolis. It occupies a territory of about 5,287 km², being the tenth seventh province of the country by extension. It borders on the north with Tungurahua, in the south with Cañar, by the west with Bolivar, in the southeast with Guayas and in the east with Morona Santiago.

It is one of the most important administrative, economic, financial and commercial centers of Ecuador. The development of the industry in the province, in general, was based on the manual skills of its inhabitants. It has a very singular importance for the history of the center of Ecuador, as it is a halfway point between the coast and the Amazon, since ancient times it was constituted as a meeting area between cultures, traders and religious connotation events.

The first registered settlements date back to 5 thousand years old near the Punín sector. He had different migratory periods from the Serranía such as the Puruhás and canaries. Later it was conquered by the Incas in command of Huayna Capac. The Spanish colonization was given on August 15, 1534 with the founding of Santiago de Quito; During that period the maximum and precursor entity of the province would be the district of Riobamba. After the independence war and the annexation of Ecuador to the great Colombia, the province of Chimborazo is created on June 25, 1824, which makes it one of the first 7 provinces of Ecuador.

The province is an area of great artisan culture and a sector of much tourist development. The handicraft is very developed, especially in the area of the canton Guano, where manufactures with wool, leather and textiles are the main economic activities and therefore the richness of this region. In Chimborazo barley, maize, beans, wheat, cocoa, plantain, potato and some fruits are cultivated. Breeding of sheep, beef cattle, milk, and industrialization of dairy products is carried out in livestock.


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