Cashca Totoras forest near Guaranda


                                                It is called thus by the presence of the tree of CASHCA and by the location of the commune of Totoras, whose inhabitants live of the coal.

In the bowels of the forest, the traveler will find the legendary commune of Totoras, where people live on coal. Many of the lower parts of the area are still a mystery and are an attraction for science because it is the habitat of the Gastrotecas frogs. And if you look for infinite places, the high parts are the balconies to appreciate Guaranda, Chimbo, San Miguel, and other villages.

It is part of the foothills of the Western Cordillera. Sun soils derived from plastic Piro materials are loamy-sandy and with high water retention capacity with percentages of organic matter are characterized by being black and deep soils.

The forest represents an important wood relic of the Andean vegetation not only for the province of Bolívar but also for Ecuador, as this type of vegetation is almost extinct in the country


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