Cableway Quito


                                                The Quito cable car, baptized in 2005 as the Telefériqo, is the highest in South America. It starts at 2,950 meters above sea level and reaches 4,050 meters above sea level: the crest of Cruz Loma, next to the Pichincha volcano.
At present there is only one amusement park at its base, the Vulqano Park. Admission is free and games are paid with a rechargeable card for sale at the park's ticket offices. There are several games for both children and adults, including a roller coaster. This is the only fixed amusement park in Quito. At the top there are still a couple of food and coffee places where the minimum cost of the dishes is $ 3. The rest is pure paramo and this is where the main attraction of the cable car lies.
The páramo of the Pichincha volcano, at the top of Cruz Loma, offers a spectacular view of the entire city of Quito. If the climate favors, you can see some of the main elevations of the Andes mountain range, such as Cayambe, Antisana, Cotopaxi, Pasochoa, Rumiñahui and the list goes on. In addition to the beautiful view that this place offers is the Andean landscape, the cold wasteland with its almost straight and flat road to the top of Rucu Pichincha, the most visible elevation of the Pichincha volcano from Quito.
ATTENTION HOURS: from 9h00 to 20h00

Su entrada se ubica en la calle Arnulfo Araujo y Av. Occidental (cerca de la intersección con la Av. Gasca),
Rate USD $
Price from: 3
Price to: 8

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