Bolivar province Ecuador


                                                Bolívar has an extension of 3,254 km², which makes it the smallest province in Ecuador. It has no significant elevations, except for the Chimborazo volcano that is partially in this province. The province of Bolívar according to the last land management, belongs to the region also comprised of the provinces of Santa Elena, Guayas and Los Ríos. It contains sectors of beautiful Andean landscapes that together with the sanctuary of the Virgen del Guayco make the province a very attractive place for tourism.

The main economic activities of the province of Bolívar are: agriculture, that thanks to the different ecological floors there is a wide variety of products among them corn, wheat, barley, potato, lentil, bean and pea in the high areas and the production of coffee, banana, cane and fruits such as tangerine and orange in the subtropic. In each canton and parish of Bolívar there are customs of common structure, being only by the place of origin. You can mention the feasts of the "Lord of a Good Hope" every May 24th; The "Feast of the Three Kings" every 6th of January in Salinas; The Feast of San Antonio, patron saint of Simiátug on June 13th. Among the legends are those that relate magical visions, evil spirits, the evil of the mountain, the Goblin, among others.

The exploitation of the potential of natural resources and productive agro resources, through which they can implement and incorporate articulated projects of ecotourism at local and regional level, are many of the great aspects that the canton has potentially to exploit. In Echeandía there are several important tourist attractions that can be managed and managed as tourism companies; Among its most important attractions we have: the waterfall of Chazojuan, Poza las dos Bocas, ecological path Los Laureles, thermal waters of Sabanetillas. The possibilities of a tourism development at the present time are favored by the good state of the way of communication towards the coast.


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