The province of Azuay is one of the 24 provinces that make up the Republic of Ecuador, located in the south of the country, in the geographical area known as the Andean region or Sierra, mainly on the Hoya de Paute in the northeast and the Hoya de Jubones in the southwest. Its administrative capital is the city of Cuenca, which is also its largest and most populated metropolis. It occupies a territory of about 8,639 km², being the twelfth province of the country by extension. Bordered to the north by Cañar, to the south with Loja, to the west with Guayas, to the southwest with the gold, to the east with Morona Santiago and to the southeast with Zamora Chinchipe.
It is one of the most important administrative, economic, financial and commercial centers of Ecuador. The development of the industry in Azuay, in general, was based on the manual skills of its inhabitants. It has a very singular importance for the history of the Austro of Ecuador, as it is a halfway point between the coast and the Amazon, since ancient times it was constituted as a meeting area between cultures, traders and religious connotation events.
In the province there are two different zones: the east, an area dominated by the eastern and western Andes; The west, an area that belongs to the coast region, which is populated by Subandean branches. The most important fluvial courses are the Jubones River, and the Paute River. Its highest point is the knot of the boxes, at 4500 meters height, converted into the National park the boxes.
The province has an airport El Mariscal Lamar in the city and Cuenca, also could be visit the province via land from Quito via Panamericana.