Anzu caves


                                                It is a group of caverns that are found throughout the area of ​​the birth of the river Anzu, that is to the north-west of the city of Puyo and to the north of the city of Mera.

The vegetation cover of the area in which the caves are located, for the most part, has been eliminated, because the forest has been cleared to make agricultural crops or to plant grass. However, because it is a mountain slope, where the Anzú and Puyo rivers are born, a great number of slopes are observed, which maintain secondary forests with certain primary forest residues, as well as advanced secondary forests.

The entrance vault to the cavern, is about two and a half to three meters high by about four meters wide, then narrows and the height of the entrance is about fifty centimeters high.

Approximately 30 different caverns in which one can appreciate sedimentary formations that are the stalactites and the stalagmites. They vary in size, height and width and as far as depth can not be determined. From there it is entered by small holes that lead to the inner chambers. The degree of difficulty can vary according to the cavern that is visited, so it is necessary to be accompanied by specialized personnel and knowledgeable of these caves.



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