The Antisana is a majestic and mysterious volcano in the Eastern Cordillera.
It is the nucleus of this protected area in which there are páramos and oriental Andean forests. The volcanic activity, the passage and retreat of the glaciers and the evolution have created in its territory impressive landscapes and a very diverse wildlife. As a mirror of the volcano is the lagoon of Mica, from which comes the water of the city of Quito. Apart from the lagoon, there are marshy areas where water is flooded in rainy season, forming seasonal lagoons such as Santa Lucia or Mauca Machay. In the reserve are born the rivers that later glide along the eastern slopes and will feed the rivers Coca and Napo; In the valley of Tambo there are hot springs. Until some years ago it was difficult to access, but now it is one of the easiest areas to visit from the capital of the country and other surrounding areas.
From Napo it is accessed by several zones, mainly from the Baeza-Tena road, where the diversion takes place at the height of Cosanga towards the population of the Cauchera. From this last town begin the routes to the mountains of the Guacamayos. For the lagoon of Micacocha and the volcano is made by Pintag in the province of Pichincha.