Antisana National Park


                                                The Antisana is a majestic and mysterious volcano in the Eastern Cordillera.
  It is the core of this protected area where there are moorlands and eastern Andean forests. The volcanic activity, the step and retreat of the glaciers and the evolution have created in their territory impressive landscapes and a very diverse wild life. Like mirror of the volcano it is the lagoon of the Mica, from where it comes part of the water of the city of Quito. Apart from the lagoon, there are marshy areas where the water is flooded in the rainy season, forming seasonal lagoons such as Santa Lucia or Machay Mauca. In the reserve rivers are born that later slide down the eastern slopes and go to feed the Coca and Napo rivers; in the valley of the Tambo there are thermal waters. Until a few years ago it was difficult to access, but now it is one of the easiest areas to visit from the capital of the country and other surrounding areas.

Pintag, Calle Humbolt S/N y Av. Antisana, detrás del sub-centro de Salud en el segundo piso del Infocentro

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