Alto Nangaritza, it is called thus to the high and middle basin of the river Nangaritza, one of the last extensions of native forests not altered in Zamora Chinchipe. It is located at the southeastern end of Zamora Chinchipe, in the parish Zurmi, Nangaritza Canton, south of the Podocarpus National Park and the Cordillera del Cóndor. Limited to Peru.
Alto Nangaritza is characterized as one of the highest biodiversity zones in the world ("Amazonian Piedmont Hot Spot"), and support for the survival of the Shuar ethnic group settled in the sector, while it is a very fragile zone to the socio-environmental changes expected by the projected road to connect Guayzimi with Zumba, increasing the pressures of deforestation and contamination by colonization processes , land speculation, mining prospecting, etc. There are areas that are forest heritage of Ecuador, one of them is the Alto Nangaritza Protector Forest, adjacent to the Podocarpus National Park, in the upper part of the Nangaritza River valley.
The infrastructure is minimal, you can make tours in the company of a guide of the Shuar community, connoisseurs of the forest.
You can access to a certain point by car via a shaie from Guayzimi, to enter the forest it is necessary to have a community guide who knows the area.