Alfaro city Ecuador


                                                The building resembles the figure of a condor and is built with materials used by the native Manteños 2,500 years ago.

The model containing the three main construction bodies are: The event building, the Historical Museum and the museum where the remains of General Eloy Alfaro Delgado Rest.

The designer of the great work Ciudad de Alfaro Francisco Aguilera, made known to the media that the model of the headquarters of the National Constituent Assembly, has been elaborated in clay by the professional craftsmen of the well-known parish "the pile".

According to the ARQ. Aguilera, to make the plans, went back to last centuries especially studying the famous Manteña culture; For this reason it was chosen to the pile belonging to Montecristi, and looking for the craftsmen who are heirs of the art and the ceramics and hires the work of model.

The city Alfaro, located in a hill known as the Sentinel stands out on a vantage point from which one can observe montecristi, the cradle of the "old Wrestler", in addition to the cantons Manta and Jaramijó.

pagina Prologanción de la calle 10 de Agosto, antigua sede de la Asamblea Constituyente Montecristi - Ecuador

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