The Aguarongo Protective Forest has an area of approximately 2082 hectares of land.
All the villages surround the forest protector Aguarongo, the same as in winter season is muddy. The attractions that we find next to the forest are scenic routes, native dwellings, flora, fauna, water bodies associated, is a natural viewpoint, which allows contact with indigenous communities among others. Its structure comprises: scrub and natural pasture.
The place is notable for the presence of a forest Soto and very irregular orography, with small slopes in which are forming waterways that form streams and creeks.
Aguarongo records 300 water sources and 60 moistures. The area is part of two subwatersheds, the River Jadán and the Santa Bárbara River, which in turn are part of the middle basin of the paute.
The trails and the help of native guides allow you to know about the flora and fauna of the forest. The Environmental center has ecotourism programs, cabins and restaurants, for the convenience of visitors.
-Samana, tourist guide for travelers. Publishing Ecuadorian.
Access to the park is carried out by the towns of Carmen de Jadan or San Juan, 12 km from Giron Central Park.